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Business listings in Pitt Meadows

YP Canada presents comprehensive contact listings for in and around the Pitt Meadows, British-Columbia region. With the largest business database online in Canada, Yellow is your Find Engine. If you live around Pitt Meadows, discover new user-reviewed products and services in your area, with .

North Vancouver is heralded for its scenic swimming holes, running trails and kayaking routes – but it’s also home to a plethora of fitness studios offering everything from barre classes to personal training to hot yoga and spinning. Hit these North Shore gyms next time you need a break from the outdoors. [Photo courtesy of Barre Fitness]
When you’ve got guests visiting you in Vancouver, consider a meal at one (or all) of these nine iconic restaurants. Each of these local faves capture the true spirit of the city they call home. [Photo courtesy of Six Acres]
From cultural centers to traditional English pubs to Belgian beer parlours and Aussie hangouts, many local businesses will show the Olympic Games this summer. So, choose your favourite team, and head to one of these eight locations over the next couple of weeks. Not only will you meet fellow fans, but you’ll also enjoy drinks, food, and atmosphere as you cheer. [Image credit:]

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